Wolverhampton Boat Club -"WULF"

Click on a cover to read the magazine.

  Summer 2017
 Spring 2018
   Summer 2018
   Autumn 2018
  Spring 2019
  Summer 2019
  Autumn 2019
Summer 2020
 Autumn 2020
Spring 2021
Autumn 2021
Spring 2022
Sept 2022 60 YEARS
  Winter 2023
Summer 2023
  Autumn 2023
  Spring 2024

The "WULF"

The WULF is the magazine of Wolverhampton Boat Club. It is published three or four times a year.
It is sent to every member of the club, and back copies are always available here to read. Contributions from members are always welcome.

The magazine won the A.W.C.C. Inter Club Trophy for the best boat club magazine in 1999 and 2018, came second in 2002 and third in both 1998 and 2006. In addition, the magazine won the IWA. Tom Rolt Award for the best boat club magazine in 2000 and 2006. These latter awards were particularly pleasing because the judges were professional editors.