There are three levels of membership:
-Full membership for boatowners,
-Associate membership and
-Junior membership for those between 12 and 18 years.
Full and Associate are available as single or joint memberships.
We have an active social calendar (see EVENTS Tab)
as well as providing non-residential moorings at reasonable rates for members.
The club depends on the membership to support the club. The clubhouse and grounds depend on YOU as a member. WBC Ltd. is not a pub or a commercial marina, the profit (and loss) is the responsibility of all members.
To keep costs low, members support social activities arranged by the Commodore and the Social Committee, take a turn on the bar rota and agree to attend at least five monthly work parties each year.
Work parties take place on the first Sunday in each month (except August) and only last from 9:30 to 12:00.
As well as keeping the maintenace of the grounds and clubhouse under control, they are quite a social gathering!
After an initial interview with the membership secretary, prospective members have a six month Introductory period. During this time can show that they are prepared to support club activities. There will be a second interview after six monhs, when membership can be confirmed.
If you are interested in membership of this friendly club, please call in on a club night and speak to any of the members, and collect an application form.
Moorings are available to club members.
Temporary moorings are available to members of AWCC.